Entity page, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

palpebrae (par)

Official Latin term palpebrae (par)
Official subsidiary term eyelids (pair)
Entity identifier TAH:E26527
Type of entity paired set
Materiality material
Link to the unit palpebrae (par)
Links of entity generic: palpebra
generic composite: palpebrae
specific: palpebrae (par)
Lateral links left: palpebrae sinistrae
right: palpebrae dextrae
Entity-oriented links Universal page Definition page
External links TA98 FMA PubMed
Partonomic links Level 2: organum visuale (par) Short Extended
Level 3: structurae oculi accessoriae (par) Short Extended
Level 4: structurae palpebrales (par)
Taxonomic links Level 2: divisio capitis Short Extended
Level 3: divisio faciei
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Type of entity specific material composite pair entity
Unit type pair set unit
This entity is spécifique
This entity is a set of entities
This entity is a symmetrical pair
This entity concerns a material object
This entity has 3 dimensions
Latin terms
Official term
palpebrae (par)
Term status
Universal term
Formal term
par of sets of eyelids
Internal term
palpebrae A4
English terms
Official term
eyelids (pair)
Term status
Universal term
Date: 10.02.2025